Keep calm and move on

Akash Bhattacharya
2 min readOct 16, 2021

Hey Friends

During this week, I was in a discussion on the topic of keeping calm under heated discussions. I was pleasantly reminded of how I was calm and composed during a heated meeting this week.

That brings the topic of this week’s newsletter of keeping calm and move on.

Photo by Cory on Unsplash

What are the 5 key tricks of keeping yourself under check -

  1. Focus on the end goal — It’s easy to get lost on low picks and lose focus on the bigger picture. Think of the end goal, the outcome you’re looking for.
  2. Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook — Let the other side finish off their part. Listen first. It’s your “jab, jab, jab” mode. When they’re done, then you bring your viewpoint (your right jab)
  3. Be positive — If you remain positive during the discussion, the other party will calm down as he has already finished his anger (refer to point 2).
  4. Count 1:10 — Yes, counting 1 to 10 is a well-known trick, but I cannot follow the same. It’s too much t count, and I feel I will lose out on critical points to listen to if I focus on counting.
  5. Be professional — Whatever the situation, it’s your choice to upset or remain professional. It’s your choice — choose well.

I hope the above points will help you in your day to day life.

Live your Ikigai. Have a great week ahead.


💡 Productivity

When you open the mail in the morning, and you only have time to glance through critical messages, how do you do that?

I always colour code🟥 the emails coming based on sender, and more importantly, the mails coming from the managers/critical stakeholders.

How do you do that? Follow here

✍️ Quote

🚀 Interesting

For a Team’s session, instead of: “Hi”,”Do you have 5mins?” Try this: “Hi, I am looking for XXX”

🎥 Video

Anger Is Your Ally: A Mindful Approach to Anger

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Akash Bhattacharya

Software Product Maintenance. Writes about #book, #people, #product, #productivity