Leaders are scarce and thus more valuable

Akash Bhattacharya
2 min readOct 13, 2019


Why leaders are better than managers.

When you are small, you have been asked to follow your teachers. You are told to follow the instructions or to wait for your turn. So, you grow up in an instruction driven environment.

Probably, you’re never taught to be proactive.

Fast forward a good few years. In the corporate world, you see yourself as waiting for instructions from managers or giving away instructions as manager.

So, how does this work? Let me explain with the aid of my fav “three-word” framework,i.e. Transparency, Inspection and Adaptation.


Managers use an authoritarian style. Leaders have a motivational style.

When a problem arises, managers ask “How are you going to solve it”. Leaders will say “How are we going to solve it”.

Managers Give Directions.Leaders ask questions.

Managers will ask “Ask X for advice and work out from there” and his job will be done. Leaders will ask “Let’s ask X for advice and let’s review from there” and he will be part of the journey.


Managers use an authoritarian style. Leaders have a motivational style.

For day to day work updates, managers will ask “How is your work ongoing”. Leaders will say “This is what I’m doing this week. How about your week so far

Manager will focus more on system and process. Leaders will focus on the relationship, as it will foster the right system, process and something more.


Managers have good ideas. Leaders implement good ideas.

Good ideas may have associated risks. Managers will minimize risks. Leaders encourage to take the risk.

Managers tell what to do. Leaders show what to do.

Managers will say “Can you do a prototype and show me”. Leaders will say “Let me do a prototype and show you

That’s it

Managers are reactive and they wait for the change to happen. Leaders envision the change beforehand and adapt accordingly.

Managers want authority. Leaders take responsibility.

Managers will be hard working. Leaders will be smart working. Leaders dare to be different. They are not afraid to fail to leap ( I repeat leap, not a step).

Managers are countless. Leaders are scarce, insufficient for the demand.

And it helps to remember that leaders are scarce and thus more valuable.

Are you a manager? Or a leader?



Akash Bhattacharya
Akash Bhattacharya

Written by Akash Bhattacharya

Software Product Maintenance. Writes about #book, #people, #product, #productivity

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